About Us
Est. 2025. by small team called (Team 0) from Indonesia who love Japanese Cultures, Animanga enthusiasts and Cosplayer community handler. Our dream is spread the anime retro feeling vibes around the world. We are focus on the streetwear and Otaku worlds. We just want you standout between the crowd wearing what’s you love!
Katchmenaw’s design delivers true nostalgic feeling since we use mostly MARKER style so you’ll get traditional Manga Cover feeling everytime you wearing our products. We want you wear fresh Anime design! And we work hard to deliver the concept to you.
This brand truly born from passion! Our childhood is full by ANIMES! We believe, We are not alone! Let’s stick together and be the agent to spread the Japan feeling to the rest of the world! You are our family!
End words, We just want to say SUPER THANKYOU for choosing KATCHMENAW. We are forever happy for all the love and support in our growth. If you new to the brand, WELCOME to the cult!
Super Big Love,
Katchmenaw ❤️